Wednesday, April 28, 2010

rough hands

havent shared in awhile so i feel like talking about how i feel about manlyness/manhood. and when i say that i dont really know where im goin with it.

first memories of beards i think were of my father picking me and my brother up at grammys after school on fridays and me playing peek-a-boo with dad in the window closest to the walkway outside. dad would sometimes have a full beard or a mustache, i was so jealous. He drives transport still does and i would often not seem him for 2 weeks, and being young i wouldnt know what weekends he was goin to be home so the surprise was nice. Old men with beard are so interesting, i think, to look at. its the character in them. there are different shapes of beards that can tell you things about the man under them. well this is turning into how i look up to the men in my childhood.

i like my rough hands the most. to me its a sign of a hard worker and that your tough. I try to make my hands rough at work i never ware gloves to lift things even if i should. small cuts just dont bother me that much, the scraps and scars are little memories. Looking at them now i like them more, my hands are strong and have character in them, they are artistic and dexterous. i even like how big they are and wish they were a bit bigger.

this is definitely getting a part 2, i'll post this much i'll be back another day to keep talkin about this kind of stuff

Sunday, April 18, 2010

just realized that i have had a eventful month. First Halifax for easter weekend with my Katimavik family, met Tony, Jane, Louise. Had some good times and a few different drinking establishments, one really really awkard easter "pot luck" with some kids from Kings. One zombie Jesus themed party that we stayed at way to long, then stayed up later at Emma's place met two PL's(project leaders) from Halifax. they were cool I cant remember thier names tho. And finally went to dinner at my PL in which was nice to see her outside of Katimavik.

The next event was Tylers IBX Formal/Ball. I did some prep work for this one as i would be meeting all tylers good friends for the first time, I wanted to impress at lest a little. I had this idea of getting a vest for some time so i just decided to look quickly in value village with high hopes of hitting pay-dirt. and it was hit with sexy success. Pre-drink was a good warm up for pool at winners lounge and Zee's after was also a great success including heavy metal band, drunk incounters with Sara my katima-friend that goes to STU amd most importantly Jack's Pizza with donair sauce.*thumbs up*

And this weekend in Saint John with Tyler, Whitney, and Jin. Prep-work not so much i brought a clean shirt...the girls brought luggage drank beer, smoked my pipe down town, laughed at Whit for putting on clogs just to kick them off at some guy. my favorite part actually was Whits hangover, and the nap i had when i got home.

next weekend getting tattooed, woo woo

tonights playlist;
Peter, Bjorn and John: Writers Block

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

holy god this day is goin by sooooo slow. So slow in fact im at my desk at work, alone in the office kind of.

"Dose of Sanity" the name of my blog. didnt take much for me to deside what to call it. it was either dose of sanity or notcho blog, which is prolly takin. i mean come on its pretty fuckin witty. And is already the name of my internet network at home. dose of sanity came to me some time ago, i used it to describe how much i need music in my life. keeps me from losing grip on my mind and various other things. Also i decided to call my ipod Sanity as it gives me my dose of sanity. see, see how it comes together. FUCK its only 2:18

Part 2
home now, couldnt wast the whole day on facebook and here. Spent alot of it talkin to tyler about boys and my lady troubles or lack there of i should say. Im drawing a blank here not much else to say for today... normal day will check back in on my brain tomarrow morning around 7:10am when my alarm goes off. been debating weather to get up 10min earlier as its summer time now and not as cold in the mornings anymore. how it goes now i wake up at 7:10am snooze till the news update comes on at 7:30am then debate with myself or decide i guess to wait till sports is over then get dressed during the commercial and then listen to the weather(7:35am ish) then get my lunch together and snacks. Then leave the house by 7:50am, in a perfect situation thats how it would go. Most days go like this; wake up with the alarm at 7:10am snooze till 7:40am then rush to get dressed, rush to get my lunch together, then out the door 7:55am. 5 minutes till work starts, mind you it takes 3 minutes to get to work so its all good.

tonights playlist:
Lamb of God: Wrath
The Misfits: American Psycho

Monday, April 12, 2010

so here goes, straight into it. Today was like a Monday; brutal as any other before it. i work in a one room office with one good guy, that shares my disgust and dislike for vern (nick). A stressed out micro managing closet womanizer boss, that sends me nudie emails from 10feet away (weldon), i dont mind at all haha. And a dough bag thats so full of shit his eyes are brown (vern). most day s are alright, mondays suck ass. Anyway i use AutoCad to make shop drawings for a commercial cabinet/millwork company i really like it despite some faults.

After work i got home talked to mom for a minute (live with the rents) got my list of things i need to my lunches for work. Because ya know if i went to do anything without her help i would end up with 200 bucks worth of mister noodle and get raped in the ass by a stranger and everyone would find out my hair isnt clean, and theres a hole in my worries to much about everything. Most days i brush it off and dont take her advice into consideration, anyway thats a whole other post.

Then went to visit my friend Sarah while she was dog-sitting for her father. walked in on the only reason guys will look at sex in the city sideways, any guess what it was? BOOBS that right the shows saving grace mind you old boobs but none the less boobs.

Next was the gym. oh the gym what a wonderful place the gym is where huge guys walk around admiring eachothers tribal armbands and flex there upper bodies, and judge you for being a noob that doesnt want to be skinny anymore *sigh*. oh and dont forget the nice ladies that like to sniff the ceiling. so yeah i worked out triceps and biceps, had such a hard time changing my shirtafter i was done. Half way through that chore i considered if anyone would notice i had one arm in my sleeve while walking out the door. tomarrow i was saposed to have fitness review or follow up i guess but dude had to cancel and of course i forgot to reschedule when i was there tonight, but im goin tomarrow i'll do it then instead. tomarrow i think im goin to work my shoulders and chest.

At the super store a was pumped to find there was tuna on sale *thumbs up* love tuna. every time i go there it takes me back to when i used to work there, and all the friends i had... im super cool by the way. dont really know why i didnt make the most of it then, i guess im not a social worker. made one good friend there though. Kate-Lynn started a few months after i did it was more like she made friends with me cus im wasnt that chatty, and she makes up for my lack of talking but talkin up a storm. I never minded i like hearing about what was goin on in her life, which reminds me i need to randomly stop by her place and see whats shes doin.

holy who thought i had much to say, even to make a decently sized post.

tonights playlist was
Anthax: Among the Living
Against Me!: As the Eternal Cowboy